Logo Vinted Custon Machine

You will be in good hands.

Custom Machine is the world's largest Vinted Custom Bot provider..


Satisfied customers


Members connected to the bot


Articles buy with auto buy


Avg. coffees per week

The bot suited to your needs

Each of our software is built with the community so that it suits you as much as possible.

No delay for get items on vinted

0 Delay

Get  items instantly, 5 minutes ahead of regular users.

Auto buy

In just one click buy your item and get ahead of the others.

Auto cop soon

Let the bot buy for you by giving it your requests.

Unlimited filters

Put as many filters as you want and with personal filters for your members.

Lots of little tools

Repost, auto-response after adding an article to favorites...

Monitor 24/7 Hosted bot

Your bot will run non-stop and is on our most powerful machines.

A stock management dashboard connected to vinted

Your members will no longer waste time managing their stock on an excel file with an interface adapted to resell.
The tool is connected directly to vinted, purchases and sales will be updated live on the dashboard.
The tool is worth €100/month and is offered in the vinted bot pack.

A management interface

You can configure your bot live, see the logs of each of your customers, manage filters, manage your members...
An essential for today !

Start earning
Ask for information
Dashboard to manage your vinted and leboncoin bot

Frequently asked questions

Questions that are often asked

How to find out the price of the bot?

All you have to do is ask on theCustom Machine server, open a ticket and a manager will give you all the information.

If changes are made to the sites, are the updates quick?

Our developer team is constantly ready to face updates, day and night we intervene.

Is it difficult to install a bot?

The whole process is optimized to be as simple as possible, plus you have guides and support to help you.

I have some questions, where should I ask them?

If you have any questions feel free to ask them on our community discord server.